
Proxy-wars fought over our tiny territory....

I believe what Mr. Elie HOBEIKA offered in his ultimate sacrifice for Lebanon is clear, conscious positions, stemming from a life experience under fire for over three decades of torment...with several proxy-wars fought over our tiny territory....; regarding our nation that put its interest above all other interests... and on that basis develop a formula for our advancement. I was very pleased and impressed with his visionary speeches, political actions, and inevitable conclusions of the inalienable right of Citizens to run their affairs in a consensual manner... leading in time, to a complete separation of Religion from State affairs, because it was honest, direct, and principled. He criticized the government for its mishandling of many internal issues, while at the same time warning of the external threats and dangers we are currently facing....and he was always ahead of his peers in reading events as they unfolded in front of our eyes for 8 over years.... It’s a truly independent position that is not confounded by the political chaos plaguing our nation....for lack of Leadership. The positions taken by Mr. Elie HOBEIKA since 1985... also offered clear solutions to our problems, rather than mere complaining about the situation....


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