
The USA Big Bang strategy upon the Persian Gulf....,the Greater Middle East and South ASIA.

The USA Big Bang strategy upon the Persian Gulf....,the Greater Middle East, Africa and South ASIA...

The "Seven Deadly Sins of Bush-Cheney": Lust - leading to the quest for primacy; Anger - leading to the demonization of enemies; Greed - leading to the concentration of power; Pride - leading to avoidable postwar failures; Envy - leading to the misguided redirect on Iran; Sloth - leading to the US military finally asserting command; and Gluttony - leading to strategic overhang cynically foisted upon the next Administration...
"What's so scary about globalization today is that it's triggering a global consciousness regarding the possibilities of individual liberty, and in doing so, it places a lot of elites in nondemocratic societies in a tough place...."


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